# Lab 4 ## First Quiz Today we have our first quiz. For this (and future) quizes we'll be using the SCF accounts we set up last time. On the SCF accounts we're using `nbgrader`, a system which allows for instructors to create assignments in Jupyter notebooks and for students to complete and submit assignments in those notebooks. To access the quiz, navigate to [Jupyter Hub on the SCF servers](https://jupyter.stat.berkeley.edu:8443/hub/login) (shortened url: http://bit.ly/2wvKG7r. ![JupyterHub login](lab_fig/jupyter_hub_login.png) Log in with your username (`s159-X` where `X` ranges from 1-100) and password that you set up last lab. To take the quiz, navigate to the "Assignments" tab. Under "Released Assignments" you should see `quiz1_lab1`. Click on `Fetch` next to download the assignment, `quiz1_lab1` will now move to "Downloaded Assignments". Complete the questions by clicking on the drop down menu and selecting each problem (`p1`, `p2`, and `p3`). When finished with the assignment, click on "Validate" for each problem to ensure that you've completed it, then press "Submit". ![Quiz Drop Down](lab_fig/quiz_drop_down.png) You have 15 minutes to complete the quiz. ## Whirlwind Tour of Python For the remainder of the lab we'll continue to go through the [Whirlwind Tour of Python](https://jakevdp.github.io/WhirlwindTourOfPython/index.html).